The Westlake Wine Tasting Club and the Wine Lover’s of Westlake provides a tasting experience for both beginners and experts alike in an atmosphere of warmth and friendly hospitality. Both clubs welcome your comments and suggestions on the wines we have tasted and to recommend new ones for us to try.
Our primary objectives are to have fun, get a dose of education, social interaction with other residents, getting to know new wines, and being able to sample wines which would be too expensive otherwise or those which we simply don’t know anything about.
We have different kinds of sessions that focus on comparative wines, different grape varieties, different vintages and different regions/countries. We also visit wineries, have wine and Pizza parties, an annual dinner and whatever the members desire.
Hopefully, you will check in every so often to see what we have tasted. If you want more details on who and what Westlake is all about, visit here.
Wine Tasting Club
Wine Lover’s Club