Responsibilities and Procedures for Executive Board Members and Committee Members of the Westlake Singles Club

Executive Board shall consist of the following:

President– shall run all Westlake Singles Club meetings, advise and oversee functions of all board members.  The president shall maintain documents relating to the club activities, members, by-laws, flyers, minutes, attendance and treasurer’s reports.

The president shall also handle treasurer’s responsibilities during the absence of the treasurer.

1st and 2nd Vice-President – shall represent the President when necessary and assist in activities of the Westlake Singles Club when needed, shall oversee committee activities and create flyers for activities of the club.  The vice presidents will also head up the network system that includes member assistance and connectivity to other events in the clubhouse.

Treasurer – shall, along with the president, go to the appropriate bank and sign the necessary documents.  The treasurer shall maintain the WSC bank accounts by collecting checks for yearly dues, monies from raffles, trips, events, programs and deposit same into the WSC bank account.  The treasurer shall accept receipts for any expenditure and reimburse the member/s for the expense.  The Treasurer shall report to the members the past month’s balance, explanation of each expense and final total for the month.

Copy of report shall be given to each executive board member.

Secretary – shall take minutes at each meeting and read them at the next meeting.

Minutes will be read and accepted by the following:

Executive board minutes read to executive board members

Committee meeting minutes read to committee members

Membership meeting minutes read to club members

Copy of the minutes shall be given to each member of the executive board no more than 10 days after the meeting for review and to be copied for the next appropriate meeting.


Membership – shall maintain a list of all paid members’ names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses.  The committee shall address and submit application forms to the flyer distribution committee for the new club year.  New and repeat members shall fill out a form with their name, address, phone number and email address and month & day of their birth.  An updated list shall also be given to the flyers distribution committee.  Committee will also welcome and communicate with new members who are new to Westlake to help them become familiar with other members and the club’s activities and events.

Design/Decorations – shall provide centerpieces, decorations for various events/program/activities of the Westlake Singles Club.

Flyers Distribution – shall receive the flyers for the next meeting/event/program/activity for distribution to the Westlake singles members or all Westlake singles depending on the event.  Flyers should go out in a timely manner to ensure attendance.  Flyers should also be provided to the clubhouse to be listed on the Westlake website and kiosk in a timely manner to ensure the information gets communicated to the entire community.

Events/Activities Committee – shall work on planning events and activities along side the executive board for the entertainment of and information for the single residents and residents of Westlake.  Events will be on site and off site as determined by the committee with approval of the Board.

Entertainment Committee – shall research and provide activities, games, etc. at meetings, meet and greets or other events as decided by the executive board.  Members shall submit ideas and budget to the board for approval.

Refreshments Committee – shall provide refreshments at meetings, events and/or programs.  This includes keeping inventory on supplies and purchasing of needed supplies.  Members may be asked to provide refreshments at events if it is determined necessary by the executive board.

Birthday Recognition Committee – shall collect birthday information and develop a program (cards, notes, acknowledgements) to honor and recognize a member’s birthday.

Acknowledgments – shall send get well, sympathy and/or other cards for events in members’ lives.

All committees requiring money must get prior approval from the executive board.  Upon approval committees will submit receipts to the treasurer for approval.